Monday, December 31, 2007
For Acura lovers... looks like everything there is to know about the Acura and NSX
Posted by alex at 11:40 AM 0 comments
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For a full gallery of the San Diego Auto Show Rob Conaway is a San Diego chef who has a lot of websites going on, and takes great photos with a Nikon d50. Amazing what you can learn without leaving your laptop and just reading other peoples "About" pages.
Posted by alex at 11:31 AM 0 comments
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Trains and Automobiles... .both have horns, but putting a train air horn in your SUV shocks the hell out of pedestrians! Funny video!
How many times have you wished you could have a real train horn, or marinefog horn secretly mounted beneath your Mercury Marauder? HornBlasters has the full kits including air compressors and horns for you to make people go deaf. The DVD is equally as hilarious, wait till you see when they do it to a cop that pulled them over!
Posted by alex at 11:22 AM 0 comments
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Unique Plymouth Sport wagon that was taken to Mr Norms for the works, and Mr Norm always came through

Posted by alex at 10:53 AM 0 comments
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Frequently seen at the El Cajon wednesday night car cruise
Posted by alex at 10:46 AM 0 comments
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San Diego is home to Legoland... and they put a display in the auto show this year.... there's a real car under those blocks
Posted by alex at 10:30 AM 0 comments
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Subaru's have a small problem at the auto shows... the knobs get stolen
Posted by alex at 10:14 AM 0 comments
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A relective inner firewall on a '32.... sure makes it look like a lot of leg room!
Posted by alex at 10:08 AM 0 comments
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Meter maids ticket stolen car 29 times, so there's your tax dollars at work, no stolen car database check procedure
Posted by alex at 1:59 PM 0 comments
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Happy Holidays where ever you are, an Airstream Trailer light display of the Trans Siberian Orchestra's "Wizards in Winter" light display
I hope you like this piece of music as much as I do...
Posted by alex at 3:01 PM 0 comments
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Background on the Lil Redd Wrecker, Hard Hat Hauler, and Voxmobile
Posted by alex at 12:27 PM 0 comments
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A gallery of steam trucks, buses, and road trains after the link
1898-1935 was a trasistion period, and testing time for the different methods of transportation when it wasn't clear what was going to be the winner in the auto wars. This was a time when some still used horses, pedal bikes were getting a lot of sales, motorbikes were really making progress, and yet steam power wasn't out of consideration for some more industrial applications. Tractors were generally huge expensive things that most family farms wouldn't be able to afford unitl the 40's and 50's... and trains were mostly steam until the 50's.
Strange and varied time in the US transportation industry, my other post about the great depression dooming most of the independants is a good bit to read for more if you like to learn this kind of stuff like I do.
Posted by alex at 12:04 PM 0 comments
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Video of a Subaru with snow tracks instead of tires
Posted by alex at 1:16 PM 0 comments
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I think the website name says it all...
The Muscle Cars Information section details some of the histories and manufacturers of high-performance vehicles such AMC, Dodge, Plymouth, Buick, Pontiac and Chevy.
Classic Muscle Cars are typically defined as high-performance vehicles with powerful engines, most made between 1964 and 1975. Learn about more than 100 of our favorites, including Chevelles, Chargers, Mustangs, Road Runners and GTOs.
part of the website are these links:
Video: School Bus Technology How Car Engines Work
Video: GM's Car of the Future How Superchargers Work
Video: Cars Without Drivers
Video: Neighborhood Electric Cars How the Caparo T1 Works
How the Bugatti Veyron Works How Hybrid Cars Work
How Fuel Cells Work
How Automatic Transmissions Work
How Rotary Engines Work
How Differentials Work
How Diesel Engines Work
How Manual Transmissions Work
Posted by alex at 10:11 AM 0 comments
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Respect to Tadao Kadate of Japan, for he invented the clay bar, cleaner of car paint!
"To this day, Detailing Clay is the only product that takes off stubborn over spray with a single, swipe of the hand.""
A website on interior and exterior detailing products, and how to use them.
Posted by alex at 10:05 AM 0 comments
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top 5 ‘deserted city’ scenes in film
with Youtube clips of the scenes
5. philadelphia - twelve monkeys, 1995
4. los angeles - omega man, 1971
3. madrid - abre los ojos, 1997
2. manhattan - vanilla sky, 2001
1. london - 28 days later, 2002
Posted by alex at 9:10 AM 0 comments
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Off the beaten path for me, good but different than my usual fare A view of the latest in the transportation world from a website you might not happen across, think of a GQ view of the latest in car stuff. Interesting, but not my usual line of thought.
Posted by alex at 9:06 AM 0 comments
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Click on all pictures to enlarge them,
email me at to comment
Posted by alex at 12:51 PM 0 comments
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The development of gasoline, or, how and why it became leaded, extremely poisonous, and finally switched back to unleaded over the protests of GM
In the easiest to understand article I've read about octane, knock, pinging, and in the process the author gives you a understanding of how it was all profit driven over the basic interests of the health of all humankind.
" decisive drawback, however, which was its tendency to cause harmful deposits in human blood, bones, and brains. Lead poisoning had long been known to cause such alarming maladies as spasms, hallucinations, seizures, blindness, kidney failure, brain damage, madness, coma, and death. "
" To manufacture and market their incredible new engine-enhancing additive– which had been dubbed Ethyl– General Motors partnered with Standard Oil and Du Pont to form the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation.
Consumers showed interest, particularly after the Indianapolis 500 motorcar race on Memorial Day 1923, where the first, second, and third-place cars were all fueled by Ethyl gasoline. After that, the fortified fuel enjoyed rapid widespread adoption, and indeed it lived up to its mechanical claims. In a note to Kettering, Midgley estimated that Ethyl would eventually be adopted by at least 20% of the nation's fuel supply, providing an annual gross profit of about $36 million. "
" ... results showed that airborne lead had been negligible before 1923, and that it had climbed precipitously ever since. In 1965, when the tests were conducted, lead levels were roughly 1,000 times higher than they had been in the pre-Ethyl era.
He also compared modern bone samples to that of older human remains, and found that modern humans' lead levels were hundreds of times higher. "
" The Ethyl corporation had powerful friends, including a Supreme Court justice, members of the US Public Health Service, and the mighty American Petroleum Institute. Nevertheless, Patterson was unrelenting, and the resulting rise in scientific and public awareness eventually led to the Clean Air Act of 1970, and a staged phaseout of leaded gasoline.
Ethyl and Du Pont sued the Environmental Protection Agency, claiming that "actual harm" must be demonstrated rather than just "significant risk," an effort which successfully prolonged lead additives' life by another decade.
By 1986, Ethyl and its ilk were virtually eliminated in the United States, and Americans' blood-borne lead levels have since dropped by 78%. "
" Some historians have argued that Midgley's tetra-ethyl lead was a necessary evil; one which hastened the progress of efficient engines, thereby advancing the economy and contributing to victory in World War II.
It is worth noting, however, that in the early years of Ethyl's availability, basic refinery advances boosted the base octane of fuel by 20-30 points, whereas Ethyl additive only boosted it by about nine points.
In retrospect, Ethyl's octane improvements were somewhat overstated, and the product owed most of its success to crafty marketing, misleading research, and chronic government incompetence. Whatever Ethyl's benefits, it saturated the planet with an insidious poison, and the true magnitude of its past, present, and future harm are yet to be known."
Posted by alex at 12:31 PM 0 comments
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Jalopnik, good site, I recommend it highly, here's a couple reasons why ,
A story on how over a third of Atlanta's parking meters were stolen this year... I find that interesting.
And how a slow collision is incredibly expensive to repair for a minivan's bumper. Real day to day stuff, but impressively hard impacting when your car is the subject! Not news on expensive dream cars, but the things that affect us regular types.
Posted by alex at 3:10 PM 0 comments
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Thread on the Jalopy Journal of snow machines, conversions of trucks, or topfuelers to ski steering, cat track powered
Via Dan at
Posted by alex at 2:14 PM 0 comments
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Collectible cars, the worst choices, via NY Times for the full article, good reading.
1975-76 BRICKLIN SV-1
1981-82 DELOREAN DMC-12
1982-91 PORSCHE 944
No surprises for me in this list. Late 70's and early 80's cars as collectibles? Not such a good idea. With the very rare exception, late 70's and early 80's weren't very desireable cars, or bikes, or trucks. But it seems that there must have been a big enough demand for these as collectibles that the NY Times wrote the article... wouldn't a better subject be the collectibles that really paid out huge?
Posted by alex at 1:16 PM 0 comments
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If you've seen this '33 candy red Ford Pheaton, please call Don at (562) 803-9484, some rat stole his trailer and car
Posted by alex at 12:47 PM 0 comments
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How far your car will go, once the light or gauge indicates empty
How far can you go after the gas light in your car has gone on?
Posted by alex at 4:11 PM 0 comments
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Car company logo rip off's, 11 of 13 from Chinese companies
For the full gallery of 11 more:
Posted by alex at 2:04 PM 0 comments
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The last Mercury dealership is closed.
Community Motor Company in Canonsburg, PA has sold only new Mercurys for 57 years.
I predicted this 2 months ago,
Maybe I should start predicting things?
Posted by alex at 4:04 PM 0 comments
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Be careful of what you park under, 'cause unexpected things happen under tv towers that are shedding ice-cicles
This is an amateur video taken during an Oklahoma ice storm this year. The huge pieces of ice falling down are actually from a TV tower. At the end of the video, you can see the damage that they caused to someone’s car that was (unfortunately) parked right under the tower.
This is an amateur video taken during an Oklahoma ice storm this year. The huge pieces of ice falling down are actually from a TV tower. At the end of the video, you can see the damage that they caused to someone’s car that was (unfortunately) parked right under the tower.
This is an amateur video taken during an Oklahoma ice storm this year. The huge pieces of ice falling down are actually from a TV tower. At the end of the video, you can see the damage that they caused to someone’s car that was (unfortunately) parked right under the tower.
Posted by alex at 3:51 PM 0 comments
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For pictures of the Wright Brothers flights (104 yrs ago yesterday!)
This website also has a huge collection of amazing photos, I recommend the "American Life 1900-1909" for famous people, early automobiles, trains, planes, and blimps.
Posted by alex at 2:53 PM 0 comments
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Historic vehicle pics of the day
Posted by alex at 3:32 PM 0 comments
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Click on all pictures to enlarge them, email me at to comment
Click on all pictures to enlarge them, email me at to comment
Posted by alex at 3:30 PM 0 comments
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Roadside bomb results, Troops - unhurt, Humvee - destroyed. Applause to the AM General engineers and fabricators!
Add your applause here:
Posted by alex at 3:24 PM 0 comments
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Current prices of a gallon of gas around the world
Posted by alex at 10:03 PM 0 comments
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A website for Vespa's and other scooters, and the people who love them
Posted by alex at 3:21 PM 0 comments
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