Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Department for Transport makes new appointments to ORR Board

The Department for Transport has today announced the appointment of Dr Chris Elliott FREng as a non-executive member of the Board of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).

Chris Elliott is an independent consultant with expertise as a barrister and systems engineer and a visiting professor. He has extensive experience of rail and other transport issues. He has been particularly involved with the management of safety, working with European railway companies and in the UK with the Rail Safety and Standards Board to develop policies that properly reflect safety legislation. He will take up his post on 1 July 2007. At the same time, Professor Jeffrey Jowell QC is standing down from the Board after three years.

Chris Bolt, Chairman of ORR, welcoming the appointment, said: "I look forward to working with Chris. I know he will bring with him a wealth of knowledge, which will add to the breadth of experience already reflected in the Board. My colleagues and I extend our thanks to Jeffrey Jowell for his valued contribution since the Board was first established in 2004." Chris Elliott said "Having worked with the rail industry for eight years, I am very familiar with the work of ORR, and am looking forward to joining the Board of the industry's safety and economic regulator."

The Department has also announced the re-appointment of Peter Bucks for a further two years, to take effect from the end of his current term on 4th July 2008. Peter Bucks is currently Chairman of the ORR's Audit Committee and a member of the Remuneration and Periodic Review Committees. Chris Bolt, Chairman of ORR, said "I welcome the reappointment of Peter Bucks as this will ensure continuity on the Board as ORR reaches conclusions next year on the Periodic Review of Network Rail's outputs and finances for the next five years."


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