Monday, March 16, 2009


Meet Ramez Akladious, the worst - and most dangerous - taxi driver in the city.

He allegedly slashed a passenger with a boxcutter, drove drunk and, to cap it off, hurled ethnic slurs and lunged at a rider - who happened to work for the Taxi and Limousine Commission.

Beware: Even though his taxi license was revoked Friday, he still could be rolling on the streets of New York.

Despite several arrests last year - and the fact that he had only a suspended probationary license - Akladious, 26, kept driving.

It wasn't until he crossed the wrong passenger - the TLC operations manager - that he was technically stripped of his cab license.

But even then, he didn't show up at the hearing to hand over his license, a source said. "He just blew it off," a source said.

The TLC worker, Phedra Braxton, who took her case to a city administrative law judge, said Akladious became enraged during a Jan. 5 ride down Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, screaming and cursing at a bicyclist in his way.

She also noticed he did not have his hack license properly displayed.

When she asked him to take her to an ATM - after he told her his credit-card machine wasn't working - he locked all the car doors and threatened to call the cops, Braxton said.

"He grabbed my jacket and bag through the partition window. I said, 'Get off me, what are you doing?' " she said. "He tried to spit on me . . . When I got out and started screaming, he said, 'I should have never picked your black ass up. You black people never pay.'

"Here I am, an employee for the TLC, and all the years I caught cabs, I never had an encounter like that before," Braxton said. "It's unbelievable that people like that are allowed to drive and deal with the public . . . The worst part of this is that he never should have been driving."

She warned that Akladious "will never get a license with the TLC again."

TLC Commissioner Matthew Daus upheld the administrative law judge's recommendation to revoke Akladious' probationary license - he'd never gotten a permanent one - and fine him $4,350.

Akladious never responded to the decision.

Efforts to reach him at home were not successful.

"The [judge] characterized your misconduct in this case as 'serious,' and I agree," Daus wrote Friday. "It is apparent you cannot comport to TLC rules."

Sources noted a check of the driver's credentials should have been done by the company leasing the cab to him. The TLC did not know what company Akladious drove for.

Akladious' arrest record began less than three months after his probationary TLC license was issued.

On May 15, he allegedly assaulted another driver by smashing his side-view mirror, then his face. That incident was followed June 7 by his alleged boxcutter-slashing of a cab rider who accused him of taking an unnecessarily long route, a source said.

On Sept. 22 in Queens, Akladious was arrested for allegedly striking a man in the face.

On Oct. 9 in Manhattan, he was slapped with a charge of DWI.


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