Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mike of Twisted Minds Bicycles put out the word that he was looking for sponsors to get some kids to the San Bernadino (San Berdoo) Lowriders show

Mike covers all the expenses of getting 12 kids from San Diego to San Berdoo so they can go see the Lowriders show, and maybe that will inspire them to something very cool in the arts, automotive, or car show hobbies.

So while he was at the San Diego Car Club Council meeting (2nd Tuesday of every month in the San Diego Auto Museum of Balboa Park) he told us about the three car shows that the Lowriders Car Council is having this year (more to follow in another post). When he told us he's covering all the hotel, food, and gas to get a dozen kids to the San Bernadino Lowriders show... and said he's looking for sponsors for the 8 kids he doesn't have funds for, and that is when

Vince the quick thinking put up his hand and motioned for the Car Council to sponsor the 8 kids. How effing cool is that? Right on Vince! Bravo!

The rest of the members wasted no time in seconding and voting unanimously to fund the kids to the show. Right on, that is how we do it!
Cheers for Vince!
Inspired to help Mike? Email him at twistedmindsbicycles@yahoo.com and help him help the kids!


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