Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Designers VW Beetle Apparently Indonesia People

Volkswagen AG has recently launched a redesign of the small car of the legendary VW Beetle simultaneously in New York, Berlin, and Shanghai. The car is in Indonesia is famous for the VW Beetle is a third generation, since the beginning of time was introduced in 1938.

Do you know who the designer latest Beetle? Chris Lesmana. Since four years ago, a designer from Bandung was redesigned Beetle's face. And the results of this design is used as the basis for this new Beetle.

Lesmana make the design with a proportional adjustment. "Dream Lesmana it will become a reality in the streets of America this fall," writes AutoWeek.

Lesmana, who currently lives in Germany, could not come to the launch in the U.S. because of family duties, but he is expected mengadiri Beetle event in Berlin.

Frank Bruse exterior designers representing New York Lesmana Lesmana it illustrates an effort to AutoWeek as "people who can design a dream car."

Lesmana and Bruse Beetle grow together as a family car, and the old design more brought to the new version. This new car is more rounded and is directed to a user leaning women.

Model 2012 has a lower roof, larger wheels, a long roof and a sporty interior.

"It's much closer to the old than the new Beetle," Bruse said about the latest products. "We decided to return to the initial theme."


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