Thursday, April 28, 2011

History Of Mazda Sougé

The year is 2030 and 18-year-old Max is out of Mazda Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) facility just outside Los Angeles. This is where he will collect his new car - that he designed with the help of Mazda Designer Virtual Web Site. Finally a car that is realistic because it is exotic. It is perfect in Max every sense - the splendid form of packaging is absolutely perfect.

During the global recession of 2008, Los Angeles, the city is already known in the creative industries, began to see a new movement of young entrepreneurs. When many of the traditional engines in economic crisis, the need and the emerging technology was dictated by the new economic model. For example, the turn of the century, the music industry was shocked when the young-enabled technology has created a record and share them with their computers at home. Similarly, the Los Angeles became the center for children of 16-23 years to create their own brands and products for the production of 3D software on the desktop. Educational institutions began restructuring the curriculum to teach the "micro-production" model of entrepreneurship. Never before had so many brands and products. This has just started the virtual world through the web - evolution of the Internet.

Mazda quickly realized. Given the slow historical development of the automotive industry and compares it to the young and agile movement, Mazda began assembling a new outlet for creative design and production. A new Web site-based virtual reality - - was created and is now home to an unprecedented level of entrepreneurship and creative expression of young people. VMazda is a playground design that allows young fans to experience, create and share their dreams of cars in a virtual world for free. Mazda design guides users through a mentor to several areas of design to create a successful brand of Mazda vehicles. VMazda acts as a reservoir of talent for identifying future designers and Mazda has eliminated the need for clinics to customers. customers and future trends of the mass are identified simultaneously.

Max has been using since last year slowly VMazda create and refine your dream car with Talvin, one of the Mazda design mentors available. With guidance from Talvin, Max has created a compact two-seater sports, before placing the driver's seat and center, despite its mesh wrapping around the surface of the driver's seat. With this new type of rapid manufacturing, the vehicle Max has no limits when it comes to shapes and surface treatment. If Max can dream, can do it!

Sustainable composite mesh surfaces offer strength, stiffness, and translucency (high visibility), while being an aesthetic of Mazda products. Max wants a car that is as exciting to drive as it is convenient for his daily needs. The extra space is for his girlfriend and he chose to add a small storage area for the models he carries around his company's product design office. A unique asymmetric is created, with a graceful S-curve to define the architectural space of the cut. Max now has enough income to put his car in virtual reality and heads eagerly to his closest site DDM where his car is quick to sustainable materials grown on site. Once there, Max watches his animals are born. The design was created by Max is incorporated into standard components such as cell Mazda wheel electric energy storage, which also serves as the floor.

Max has signed a contract with Mazda is similar to that with his cell phone. Because production costs have been greatly reduced, it will pay a low price for his new car (about $ 2,000 in 2010 dollars). What price to pay for the physical property (like an iPhone or Blackberry). During this two-year contract that will pay a monthly bill exceeding the energy used to drive his car (including AT & T or Sprint). After two years, max back in a factory Mazda DDM and "renewal" of his car if he wants. All materials in the car will be reused to create another new car depending on his needs and desires.

Max gets into his new car - a minimum of lightweight sports coupe. It is highly detailed and artfully proportioned. Most digital devices for communication and information are now integrated into clothing and fashion accessories. Accordingly, Mazda eliminate unnecessary and expensive equipment inside for driver-focused, lightness. The interior contains only the essential: seats, steering throttle wheel, and a display surface. Every penny spent to produce a Mazda will create a racing experience like. Max acceleration on the highway, as acres and acres of grain and fields of sustainable bamboo race ...


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